Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day care center logo

We've been designing logo's for day care centers. 
We would love to know which one you like and why!

Blink is Dutch for 'shine'

Stek is Dutch for plant cutting
It also means a place to live / hang out.

Kokon is Dutch for Cocoon 
(but spelled phonetically)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Vintage book find - Silhouettes by Reyer Stolk

'Dierenprentenboek Silhouetten' by Reyer Stolk, 1945

We recently visited the wonderful little city Bredevoort. It's called "Books City" and that makes sense: vintage book stores on every corner! We were very excited to find this inspiring animal picture book by Dutch artist Reyer Stolk (1896-1945).
Don't you just love the typography?! Here's two of the double paged illustrations: animal silhouettes on the right and their names on the left (genius). Enjoy!